Thursday, January 13, 2011

Week 1, Theme 3

Prompt: Describe a sacred place. It need not be, although it can be, a place designated as sacred by custom and purpose, and you may or may not view it as sacred yourself.

Worshippers filtered in streams into the hollow enclosure. There was a flurry of activity in preparation for the seasonal ritual in the wedge-shaped opening that was the centerpiece of the space. The opening had both curved and straight edges, and was surrounded by green walls of various height, each decorated with symbols. Men, presumably deacons, clad in the red and blue holy colors, moved in the opening with rakes to arrange dirt into careful patterns essential for the proper progression of the ritual. Brightly, tightly clad men, the participants in the ritual, appeared occasionally in the opening for preparatory activities. Disembodied announcements, most dedicated to the two gods Goods and Services, echoed through the space to remind worshippers of their spiritual obligations for the day. The announcements fell on mostly deaf ears – those in attendance, accustomed to the style and even wording of most of the messages, continued with their own pre-ritual preparations. Most consumed a pungent liquid that elevated them to a state of euphoria. Those sitting toward the edges of the space on long benches looked like deacons-in-training, judging by the flamboyant colors and headdresses they wore to match the men tending dirt in the opening. Other worshippers sat behind transparent slates in Special Rooms – these men more often than not had tied multicolored pieces of fabric around their necks. The connection of the neck-fabric men to the ritual was less clear, but their attendance did appear to generate a strong fraternity among them. Presently a general hush was followed by howls from the benches as the tightly clad men took to the opening en masse. A louder announcement followed: “Fans, welcome YOUR 2010 Boston Red Sox. Sponsored by Pepsi.”

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